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injury prevention


Hot Stones

December 21, 2019
So I just rejuvenated my love of the Hot Stones by taking myself through a week long course with Jing Advanced Massage Training in Brighton. This Module is led by one of the schools directors Megan Mari who was trained in hot stones at the original LaStone Spa in the states....
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Preventing Injury!

August 1, 2019
I have been a Soft Tissue Therapist for about 5/6 years now and before that I was a Personal Trainer. I myself have a passion for Boxing and Weight Lifting, and I’ve spent a lot of money in yoga studios and earned a brown belt in kick boxing over the years. Having been inj...
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Deep Tissue MassageJing MethodSports Massageclinical massageclinical reasoningHot stonesinjury preventionJinglockdownMassage Therapymindfulnessonline treatmentorthopaedic assessmentposturerehabilitationstretchingyoga54miles in 24 hoursacclimatisingACMTacountabilityactive lifestyle choicesAdvanced Clinical Massage Therapyafter careavoid injurybalancebiopsychosocialboxingcervical pathologiesCFSchronic painconditioningconsultationconsutlationcontrast bathingcovd-19dissertationexerciseexercise adherencefasciaFibryomyalgiaflexibilityGymhatha yogaheat therapyHolistic MassageHolistic TherapyHot stone therapyhydrationIBSincreased range of motioninjuryinjury recoveryinjury repairintegrated stylesintensityJing InstituteJing Therapistkick boxingmassageMassage Techniquesmassage therapy brightonMassage Therapy Londonmassage treatmentsMegan Marimind bodymindful body yogamindful practisemobilitymuslcesmyofascial releaseneck and shouldersneck musclesNorth London massage therapistonlineonlinebirghtonandhoveoptimum loadingoverloadoveruse injuriespandemicpathologiesperson centred approachphysical activityphysiotherapypowerprescriptive exerciseProgressive overloadprolong active lifestylequalitativerange of motionrecoveryrehabrepetitive strainsedentarySelf careself-caresoft tissue therapyspecial testsstrengthsupplenesssupport crewsupport the jointsSupporting a friend on a sponsored 24 hour walk.The Tygertherapeutic alliancetherapeutic yogatrainingtraining geartrigger point therapyweight liftingwell roundedWilliam Blakeyoga practisezoom
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